Masked Wrestlers and Hairy Hands: A Glance at Mexican Horror Cinema

by Krista Bonello Rutter Giappone Image by Daniela Attard I have just watched the short film El Gigante (dir. Gigi Saul Guerrero, 2015) by Luchagore Productions, a production team committed to the horror genre. El Gigante is a gory splatterfest, which cleverly combines the familiar ‘backwoods cannibal’ subgenre with that tradition distinct to Mexican film

Book Reviews: Molly Tanzer and Joe Pulver

The Pleasure Merchant by Molly Tanzer, Lazy Fascist Press, 2015 Review by Teodor Reljic With Halloween now upon us, you’d probably expect me to crank out a review of some of the hottest horror titles currently on the shelves – in which case I would go on to recommend Paul Tremblay’s A Head Full of Ghosts